Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Two Trump ideas: A little good news about Trump*; the next Democratic candidate

The advent of Trump has enlightened millions of people to the facts that very sick and predatory psychology can hide in plain sight; can remain invisible to many other millions; and can, in a paradox of infamy, be the source of great prestige and "success” as they’re typically measured (power and wealth). President Trump’s narcissistic disorder is revealed to be the newest member of a cardinal group of societally impactful pathologies that include depression, anxiety, sociopathy (psychopathy) and psychosomatic illness.** One benefit of this new intelligence is that mental abuse victims of a narcissist may now realize they are not evil or stupid – what the narcissist makes them feel – but "crazy-made." Wives of narcissists may now be reviewing the websites*** and message boards that can help them combat the devastating effects of living with a husband (or father) like this. So, there are positives.

In a related matter – At the 2020 election, if Trump has somehow escaped deep shame, remarkable political failure or legal consequences, the Democratic candidate will need to know how to fight and disable narcissism. The president won the election because of his narcissism, not because of his policies or thoughts or natural superiority. The personality disorder contains within it qualities of drive and necessity that are close to God-like. Imagine a glorious LSD trip or a wonderful alcohol buzz in the context of winning the lottery or the Nobel Prize. Now add the need for uber-human perfection and unique specialness that replace the child’s identity loss, and the utter contempt and absence of empathy that come from a loveless birth and early childhood. The resulting force is a complexity that fuses into a transcendent ray of desperate victory which cannot be deflected. If it were, he would implode to a little child, an inchoate soul that never got to the starting gate of normal, human existence.

The Democratic candidate would not be able to talk psychology: That always sounds ad hominem in the public arena. She or he would need to coolly admonish Trump for the insults, possibly calling them immature and childish; and reframe the narcissistic self-aggrandizement as confidence that has proven – by a litany of policy failures and disappointments – to be misplaced time and time again.

More important than these approaches will be the need to learn the psychology of narcissism straight from the best books and videos on the subject. Masterson’s The Search for the Real Self and Psychotherapy of the Disorders of the Self, and Sam Vaknin’s videos on narcissism would be top of the list. The reason is that the candidate must learn the “humble” origins of the sickness, that it comes out of childhood failure. And that the adult power-persona indeed masks the “man-baby” that many people have already observed. This will enable him or her to feel a kind of superior compassion and pity for its victim, rather than the otherwise unavoidable emotional reactions of feeling hollowed-out, proven stupid, infantilized: all weapons in the arsenal of the false god narcissist.

It is a strange fact that the candidate who opposes Trump will either need to be possessed of a Jesus-like serenity during debates, or through education and possibly his or her own narcissistic inebriation, feel a superiority over him that is ascendant because it understands.

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** Dr. John E. Sarno before a Senate Select Committee on Chronic Pain –

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