Thursday, June 14, 2018

Why President Trump must be unwaveringly, seamlessly bad

I can put myself in Trump’s Manichaean brain, made not of good versus evil, but winning versus losing. I believe there is no actual conscience, which lands him on the border of, or within, sociopathy. His botched psyche (the origins of personality disorder) forces him to re-create the world in his heartless image, because from the deepest core of his life – early childhood years – he can’t tolerate the real world that has benevolence-based morality and altruistic care. Love is deathly painful to someone who already starved to death. In the real world, he must be the ultimate loser.

A narcissist does re-create, in his imagination and in limited action, his world to meet his self-medicative needs. For him, all people become supplies, though there may be a daddy to whom his undeveloped child-self bends (such as Trump’s father, Putin, Kim Jong-Un). But give a predatory narcissist the whole world on a presidential plate, and this re-creation will become actual terraforming. Trump will have to destroy all the moral and kind points in the world in order not to feel starved, abandoned, alone.

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Comments are welcome, but I'd suggest you first read "Feeling-centered therapy" and "Ocean and boat" for a basic introduction to my kind of theory and therapy.