Saturday, September 22, 2018

I have found a way to displease everyone #1: Agendas for brains

Another TPS elaboration of his comment:

“Brief psych perspective: Imagine the miserable horror of waking up every morning and not having a brain that sees the world, but sees only some potent, toxic, self-masturbatory agenda that was implanted there early in your life. That is where today's Republicans are -- that is who they are. The agenda of Right, racism, anti-women, Trump -- it has removed and replaced what brain was once there, in childhood. It knows all answers, ready-made, without a single clear perception or independent thought ever happening again. These people are psycho­logical horror stories. And yet, as the agenda is a global, self-medica­tive defense that makes them feel ‘good,’ you can't feel sorry for them.”
Of course, Democrats can be as agenda-body-snatched as Republicans. In fact, the most energized liberals have, in my view, a less defensible rationale for their dogma than do those who are owned by the Conservative ideology. I believe the core Conservative impulse is a porous-brain bastardization of the Libertarian impulse. While all the political parties are grounded in people’s formative-years neurosis, the Libertarian comes from the deepest root of visceral selfishness: the self-affirming “leave me alone, let me live my life” urge. This is fundamentally “right.” We must, at our core, be self-based. You can’t give away your air, your food, your body. You would not live. The Republicans have polluted this “biological principle” with adjunct neuroses, one of which is: a pull to power, which frequently appears as a philosophy of wealth.

Democrats, on the other hand, must contend with the fact that their brother’s keeper “emotion­alized attitude” (concept by Virginia Axline, Play Therapy) is not valid from the intrapsychic stand­point. Humanitarianism must be voluntary, not created by government fiat and punishment. Goodness is extinguished when you force me to give. Democrats would best be served if, in a psychological moment, they saw the anger and revenge factor infiltrating their belief in national charity and collectivism.

Genuine humanitarianism is ultimately as inner-dwelling and non-coercive as is “don’t tread on me” libertarianism.

But now we are under siege in a nation where a deeply disordered president and his avulsed comrades are countered by people who see this reality, who understand the mental pathology of it. It is a sickness when attitude, aggressive or pacifist, has replaced perception and independent, naïve thought. It is a disease of identity, where billboard beliefs have replaced the organic self that was buried or banished in childhood. We all have to have ideas, but there is something wrong when they are caused by emotion, and the emotion is intransigent, a fixed hatred or contempt that arises with each morning awakening and holds like burning ’til bedtime. It is contempt as a replacement soul.

Look at all these sick, lost men – children, really – supporting Trump and Judge Kavanaugh and Joe Arpaio and Roy Moore and white supremacists and anyone who kisses their wounds.

1 comment:

  1. We live in a pseudo world (if we pay too much attention to media - attention it doesn't deserve these days, no critical thinking, just sound-bites - one really has to sift these days).
    "Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating?... A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself."

    - George Orwell "1984"


Comments are welcome, but I'd suggest you first read "Feeling-centered therapy" and "Ocean and boat" for a basic introduction to my kind of theory and therapy.