Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Notice how quantum gravity physics is identical to psychology

This is the story of a superstring, the smallest possible and only constituent of existence comprising everything and nothing. He doesn’t know what he is, what he’s made of. He is hemmed in by other superstrings. He doesn’t know why he vibrates, constantly bumping into others. He wonders Why all are identical and when did this happen? He notices that it feels implicitly right to move as he moves, to go where he goes, exactly as if he willed himself. He remembers that during random moments spread across trillions of millennia he would realize that questions have no answers, but the insight was jostled out of him time and time again. He feels trapped – there is no escaping this crush of strings and no escaping the circle of the universe – yet free. He wonders how many there are like him.

He would be unmanned to know that he is not made of anything – he is the quiddity and the general, the irreducible fact, the answer that has no question – and that he has always existed.

By nature, he is impressionable, is influenced by the other one-dimensional particles. This gives him material for thought and imagination, hiding the ultimate eternal boredom that his existence is.

He is lonely in a crowd. 

The universe, he guesses, is eyes, and eyes only see what they are. Limitless time and space, he senses, are inevitable jokes.

But in his vibration that never ceases, there is music.

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Comments are welcome, but I'd suggest you first read "Feeling-centered therapy" and "Ocean and boat" for a basic introduction to my kind of theory and therapy.