Saturday, June 15, 2024

Clients who need a Weiss's pastrami sandwich shoved up their arse

I wonder if there is a company that produces robots that are sent to therapy to spew stories, brook no interruption, have no capacity to listen, project universal wisdom, and cannot conceive, in any way at all, of changing anything about themselves.

They are here to “F” with the real world.

These robots show up at my office not infrequently. I’ve seen enough of them and am ready to throw some moderately heavy, dull-pointed metal object at their forehead, chest or crotch – their “off switch” – to get them to shut up and to discombobulate their “zero insight” subroutine.

Since they are actually people, the best intervention would be to say to them: “You are talking, not listening, you are acting as if you know everything, and it is clear that you have never thought of changing anything about yourself. Or possibly you did think of it once in the privacy of your mind, but as soon as you came into this room that flew out the window and now you want to give speeches. You will need to stop that immediately, if you want help.”

The robot-person is now disturbed – sudden silence – as their inner Twilight Zone reveals the heads of ghouls and the twiddling toes of their inner infant, as I begin my end-stage renaissance as a therapist.


  1. You gotta hit 'em with the phrase I learned in Chicago - "shuddup, ya jagoff!"

  2. True, but I don't want to steal from Freud. I want to be original. (For some reason beyond my understanding, Blogger has made me "anonymous.") -- TPS


Comments are welcome, but I'd suggest you first read "Feeling-centered therapy" and "Ocean and boat" for a basic introduction to my kind of theory and therapy.