Saturday, May 28, 2022

Manifesto: Republicans are the bleeding hearts: The latest child massacre

Is it the Republican in the person who is afraid to live without a gun at his side or in his home? Or is it the person in the Republican who is afraid? Is it the Democrat in the person who feels . . . a certain way that doesn't require him to be armed with an ultimately lethal weapon, or is it the person in the Democrat who feels . . . that way?

My phrasing – "a certain way" – isn't obscure to be cute. It's incomplete because the feeling that isn't scared shitless or angry shitless to be without a gun may be more the absence of a feeling. The absence of paranoia, or of alienation, or of sociopathy. Or the absence of the lack of identity that is remedied by the false identity of gun toughness.

The answer to my question is: It's the person not the brand, the individual beneath the belief who has fear, anger and a diffuse identity. It's the individual beneath the belief who can live in a fundamentally positive sense of life. Liberals have been called "bleeding hearts." But I believe it's the Republicans of the bleeding hearts, who stanch the flow with defenses of offense: guns, more money, antisocial laws.

They cannot join a community to protect the community because as individuals they are incomplete, unformed. They are always trying to hold themselves together. The radically needy child – the "man-child" of Trump and the rest of them – is not integrated enough to be there for others.

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Comments are welcome, but I'd suggest you first read "Feeling-centered therapy" and "Ocean and boat" for a basic introduction to my kind of theory and therapy.