Saturday, October 29, 2022

A delusion is a feeling Before the time of Trump, "delusional" meant you believed someone else's internal organs had been transplanted, without scarring, into your body, or that every car, bus, bicycle, helicopter, pedestrian in the environment was surveilling you. The word had a poignant, red-blooded meaning. Now, "delusional" means you think Donald Trump is a good person. (Comment to a Washington Post article.)

I wish people would understand this, vastly undermining though it would be: To believe in the goodness of a bad person, someone who thrives on dehumanization not benevolence, is to have walled-off the most human part of your heart. This is something that I think even many MAGA-blind people could see about themselves, because their heart was once whole, in early childhood. They would be able to see the difference between love and revenge.

I've known grandparents who "love" their four-year-old grandson but ignore their five-year-old granddaughter. This is one of the most brutal facts that human beings will remain blind to: Much professed love isn't love, it isn't a different "language." There is just the one feeling, the one fact.

To feel affection for Donald Trump is to feel pain, but to rename it.

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Comments are welcome, but I'd suggest you first read "Feeling-centered therapy" and "Ocean and boat" for a basic introduction to my kind of theory and therapy.