Watch Sam Harris, today’s most forcible atheist polemicist, debating Christian and Jewish scholars and Deepak Chopra’s “woo woo” physics,* to see a self-confidence that many people don’t have. The impression is of the placidity of a platinum lake which others’ formidable intellects and arguments bounce off like sunbeams. For the purposes of this post, I will believe his way is not narcissism or angry ruthlessness, but the fact and pleasure of being and knowing oneself.
"Our troubles come from the mind having to move on." My purpose is to present original, non-conventional therapy ideas. While "pessimistic" may seem a provocative or sabotaging quality, it is actually a facet of optimism. Just as a physician would do harm by ignoring injury, and helps the best by facing the worst, so must a therapist know that we grow from roots bent by psychic injuries in our childhood. Optimism must be based in this reality, not in wishful thinking.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
A session, today
Watch Sam Harris, today’s most forcible atheist polemicist, debating Christian and Jewish scholars and Deepak Chopra’s “woo woo” physics,* to see a self-confidence that many people don’t have. The impression is of the placidity of a platinum lake which others’ formidable intellects and arguments bounce off like sunbeams. For the purposes of this post, I will believe his way is not narcissism or angry ruthlessness, but the fact and pleasure of being and knowing oneself.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
The psychological symbol
Hiding, and invisible, in the bowels of our psyche are pools of gasoline* waiting to be ignited. They are invisible because they existed, and remain, in the past.
We like to believe that we live in the present, the “here-and-now.” But this isn’t really true. Like a flower whose face follows the sun yet is transfixed by its roots, each of us moves through the world on a foundation that does not move. Our history – our roots – limits growth, tinctures the air and confounds our present feelings, grows the emotionalized attitudes that guide or warp our endeavors.
One phenomenon that proves the past is immanent in the present is the psychological symbol. Unlike a literary symbol which we grasp consciously by intellectual or emotional association, a psycho-symbol strikes the unconscious directly and we may never know we’ve been “symbolated” – altered or activated by a representation, a definition, a meaning, a conclusion from our past.
The ability to be moved by symbols must be a neurological-chemical function, probably involving Candace Pert’s “molecules of emotion,” and it is fascinating how an emotional meaning from our childhood can forever escape awareness then be embodied and explosively magnified in a present word, tone of voice, or act. Following are some psycho-symbols I have seen:
* “My dog pulled me her way”
* One’s child or someone else’s child
* “I want to take your laptop in”
* Lump in the throat
“My dog pulled me her way”
Client reported that his puppy made a peremptory yank on the leash to venture off the path. He exploded in a torrent of rage and injustice, cumulative injustice never to be tolerated again. “How dare” – his unconscious screamed at his pet, and at the world – “anyone treat me like a trifle, having their goddamned way with me!” As a young boy, he had been balanced precariously and helplessly between his divorced parents’ new families, “disappointing” one if he pleased the other. His ground was never his own, his feet on two warring islands drifting apart. Later, having grown only enough ego strength to experience impotent rage, he would be devastated once again to be pulled away from himself by any self-centered will, even a pet’s.
One’s child or someone else’s child
I believe that many teenagers and adults feel the loss of their own childhood, or maybe the death of their child-self, in any child they see. This symbol is sometimes masked in the pseudo-sophisticated, acrid humor of those comedians who say they can barely tolerate and have no use for children. If we laugh at, find ourselves empathizing with these jokes even for a moment, we are revealing some tragic loss of our own child-self.
“I want to take your laptop in”
One afternoon several years ago, my wife informed me that she intended to take my laptop computer to a repair shop. She believed she saw a virus warning and was probably running on the industrious momentum of a similar recent repair of her own computer. I heard her innocent and helpful remark and something turned in me. The world froze. I felt myself melting, butter in lava. With great difficulty, I replied in a deliberately sinister voice – which might have shaken her had she not been in her momentum – that my computer was in fine shape, had no viruses, and needed no repair. Unheeding, she repeated her statement in more persuasive terms. Now at the point of disintegration, I found myself standing yet disembodied, raising the laptop like Moses with the tablets over my head then smashing it into shards and bent metal against my desk. Later, I took great pains to understand, for myself and for her, the nature of the symbolism that triggered my disintegration. It was rooted in a childhood of total passivity that threatened to ruin everything as it spread into my teen years. That cancer was stopped only by a flimsy barricade of narcissism in high school. When my wife voiced her unappealable statement, it returned me to the passive egolessness of my childhood that in some sense I had never surpassed. The shell of narcissism, lately reduced to a thinner cognitive film (I had whittled away much of the pathology over the past two decades), cracked. Only destroying the predator's tool – the computer – could prevent the void from overtaking me.
Lump in the throat
My client knows that the extreme somatic and catastrophizing anxiety he constantly suffers started with his mother’s personality disordered mental abuse – consigning him to hell for innocent play with a friend – and continues to be fed by introjected terror. He has now grasped that the lump in his throat in his mother’s presence, obstructing his breathing, is the exact meaning of this truth: “I never had a voice.”
There is a difference between a symbol and a simple resonance or emotional association. Vereshack gives the example of an echo sent from the past and received in the present:
“A woman leaves a party early. Her conscious sense of why she is going home is that she has become tired of the superficial conversation all around her. Actually, a man sitting near her, who has been speaking in an authoritarian way, has triggered a feeling of negativity which more properly belongs to her father. She does not know this. The unconscious connection and the force with which it drives her out of the room are absolutely invisible. Without knowing that she is fleeing, or what she is fleeing from, she nonetheless flees.”**
And there is a difference between a symbol and what I conceive as the entirely symbolic life of a past-dwelling person: someone such as a psychopath, deep psychotic or cyclical batterer whose emotional growth was aborted, undeveloped in babyhood or childhood. Thrust by the passage of time into a present to which they do not belong, these individuals are always and only living on the endless fuel of their original pain. They cannot, as Janov would say, see beyond their unmet needs, and the present is only a symbol of unmet needs and un-had revenge. For them, everything – from their body to someone’s smile, from his wife’s suspiciously attractive hairstyle to a good night’s sleep, from an undercooked or perfectly cooked hamburger to a sunrise or sunset, to the placement of a dish towel, to the simplest quiet moment, to the contemplated universe – is a potential trigger.
I believe the difference between these three states is one of degree, the diffusion of pain in differently intact psyches. At the cleanest end of the continuum, the minimally-"symbolated" individual might have, in her youth, swallowed too large a trauma – loss of a beloved pet when the family moved from house to apartment – and later cannot live with a dog. The past remains a fissure in her soul.
Like me and the young man walking his dog, you may only come to see a symbol through regret and painstaking introspection. But it is waiting for you like a compromised heart: an electrical charge in the atria of the past, stimulating the ventricles of the present.
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* Metaphor inspired by a case history in The Illusion of Love, David Celani, Columbia University Press, 1994.
** Paul Vereshack, M.D., online psychotherapy book: Help Me – I’m Tired of Feeling Bad. Chapter 20, “The Devices of Invisibility and Not Knowing."
Saturday, June 14, 2014
In-house #1: False self
A long time ago I wrote, probably within a progress note or margin of a book, the sentence: “He’s asking the false self to dismantle the false self.” If I recall, it was my response to some explanation by Masterson, the renowned expert in personality disorders. Masterson’s therapy, featuring his specialized technique of confrontation,* consistently disputes the client’s defensive clinging and withdrawing (and other faults that I’m not remembering now). The process is, as far as he described it, entirely cognitive. That is, it’s the disproving – by the standard of reality needs – and undermining of one’s pathological states from the processes and fundamental ground of the reasoning intellect.**
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
"Down Boy, Damn You" *
I’ve recently looked up synonyms for “valiant.” Indomitable, plucky, gritty, doughty, undaunted. These are qualities that have never been mine except as they apply in one unusual arena. When I have a physical ache or pain – back, chest, headache – I get angry at it, tell it to get the hell out of my life, and give it a good open-handed whack. My attitude is fierce and fine and imperious, laughing at danger, transcendent of these pitiful gnats that imagine some right to cause me harm.
What I’m doing is not “mind over matter.” There is no suppression of feeling. In fact it’s the opposite. Confident – from some deep intuitive wisdom – that there is nothing wrong with my back or heart or head, I am safe to experience the fear then the hatred of this unexpected false threat. I feel it resonating with past – childhood-based – injustices and abuses, which I can now conquer as a man can face and conquer his old criminals and bullies and obstacles. I am fine and they are dead.